Bold article. I've noticed since started my blog just over a year ago - aka repository for music musings - that the narrative for certain artists is so strong that I feel at odds when I fundamentally disagree with them. I'm both an indie fan and a Taylor Swift fan (ok appreciater - my daughter is the real fan) but when you read that Folklore is an indie folk masterpiece it does make you challenge the notion that critics just aren't critical anymore and the degree of praise (or scorn) seems quite off (for the record i think Folklore is a great brave departure and a good if overlong album - but i feel it's somewhat short of a 'masterpiece'). And after seeing a number of these you can't help but wonder if you're in the wrong game because you think a critic's opinion is seemingly swayed by a) public opinion or b) the popular narrarive or c) other outside influence. It's very sad because there is great music out there and it's a music critic's job to praise it and at the same time report on but not mistake how good something is (rant over :D). Anyway keep up the good work!!

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"I want to foster the part of my life that is sincere — I want to talk to my friends more, I want to read more, I want to write personal and political essays more, I want to spend more of my life outside and not staring at a screen."

Yes. This. I hate to say that I am 39 years old and in exactly the same place as you are (+/- a detour into lifestyle blogging and a full-time corporate b2b journalism job), but it's true.

But I am 100% subscribing so I can see what you do next.

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This is a beautiful essay. It's encouraging to read an honest perspective on the industry and what you've seen and how it's affected you. This is rare. I'm looking forward to these.

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